Paper by Samuel published
Samuel has published a new paper concerning the students understanding of randomness on a molecular level and a tool to assess that.
Ulrich Genick at ETH-Studienwoche
Ulrich Genick offers a project on senses and correlating genes "Geschmack, Geruch und Gene" as part of the ETH studyweek for highschoolers.
Nominated for Kite Award
Presentation of the D-BIOL project “Transformation of hands-on practical courses to virtual labs during the Corona Pandemic (and beyond)” nominated for the KITE-Award 2022 at the Teaching & Learning fair.
Katja Köhler presents at Refresh Teaching: "Developing digital teaching content"
Refresh Teaching event with Katja Köhler presenting strategies used by the CAL to design interactive scripts and exercises and how Moodle functionalities can be used to design flipped classroom, blended, or online courses.
Refresh Teaching with CAL Examples
Refresh Teaching event “How am I doing? Making student progress visible (primarily) for students” with practical examples from CAL how Moodle features can be used to to organize, visualize and keep track of student progress in the course.