Fundamentals in Biology I: From molecules to the biochemistry of the cell

About the course

'Fundamentals in Biology I: From molecules to the biochemistry of the cell' ('Grundlagen der Biologie I: von Molekülen zur Biochemie der Zellen', 551-0125-00L) is a core lecture in the bachelor curricula of Biology, Biochemistry, Interdisciplinary Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sciences. It is taught during the first semester for 5 hours weekly and attended by approximately 350 students.

CAL support

For this course CAL assisted to develop quizzes that prepare students for class and support students' self-assessment and manages the Moodle course for this lecture. CAL also organises the group exercises "Biology in Numbers" that accompany the lectures. The exam for this course is held as an electronic exam that is supported by CAL.

Tiles representing the CAL support for this lecture: Course management, teaching material, active learning, electronic exam, and learning analytics
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