
'Biochemistry' ('Biochemie', 551-1304-00L) is a mandatory course in the bachelor curricula for medicine and health science & technology. The course introduces students to the central facts and concepts of biochemistry and is taught in the second semester for 3 hours per week. The course uses a blended learning approach that combines online selfstudy elements with traditional lectures and in-class exercises. The course is taught by Dr. Ulrich Genick (D-BIOL, CAL), Prof. Matthias Peter (D-BIOL), and Prof. Bernd Wollscheid (D-HEST).

CAL manages the Moodle course for this lecture, supported course and learning goal design, and developed teaching material and active learning elements for the students to prepare for the course. The exam for this course is held as an electronic exam that is supported by CAL.

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