Dr. Katja Köhler
Katja Köhler is the Head of CAL and the Educational Developer at D-BIOL. Katja was trained in cell biology, genetics, and developmental biology as a postdoc (Curie Institute, France, University of Zurich, and ETH Zurich) and became a senior scientist at ETH in 2011. She teaches genetics and cell biology in a flipped classroom course for first-semester Medical & Health science students and is involved in the education of future biology teachers in two courses for the biology teaching diploma curriculum. In addition, Katja is part of the future Learning Initiative at ETH where she is supervising interdisciplinary PhD projects in learning sciences on advancing biology education at the university level.
Dr. Ulrich Genick
Ulrich Genick is a lecturer at D-BIOL and gained experience in teaching and research as a postdoc (Salk Institute, USA), assistant professor (Brandeis University, USA), and senior scientist (Nestle Research Center, Lausanne) in the areas of bioinformatics, structural biology, and biophysical chemistry. In 2014, he became a senior scientist at ETH Zurich. He teaches biochemistry in a course for 2nd semester Medical & Health science students and genome-wide analyses in a course for Biology bachelor students. Ulrich is also the D-BIOL representative at the Student Project House.
Florin Gegenschatz
Florin obtained his master degree in Mathematics with a focus in probability theory and his teaching diploma at ETH Zurich. While working for four years as a high school teacher at the Kantonsschule Baden, he became interested in the applications of Mathematics in Natural Sciences. After finishing his Bachelor degree in Biology at ETH, he joined CAL in 2020. Florin is working on projects at the interface of Biology and Mathematics and is organizing a first-semester group work for Biology students. He is also involved in developing and implementing online exams for biology courses.
Samuel Tobler
Samuel Tobler obtained his master degree in biology at ETH with a focus on Plant Biochemistry. He is performing his doctoral thesis as a joint project between the D-GESS (Manu Kapur) and D-BIOL (Ernst Hafen and Katja Köhler) within the interdisciplinary ETH future Learning initiative (FLI). Samuel is researching on the use of narratives and storytelling in the context of higher education where he tries to resolve retained alternative conceptions in biology, especially those related to physico-chemical concepts, by designed interventions.
Melina Eisenring
Melina started working as a teaching assistant during her Bachelors and joined the team after finishing her Masters in Ecology and Evolution. She supports the teaching assistants and helps maintain the moodle pages. During exam season she is involved in developing and implementing online exams for biology courses.
Teaching assistants
Students from various disciplines, such as Biology, interdisciplinary sciences, and health sciences, support CAL as teaching assistants. The teaching assistants supervise students in exercise sessions and coach students during group projects. They also help improving teaching material by testing activities and giving feedback on their learning experiences during the curriculum. Other student projects include generating teaching art work or implementing learning material on Moodle.
Former team members
Dr. Susanna Hempel (now PHD student at Eawag in environmental sciences)
Carina Känzig (now a teacher at Kantonale Schule für Berufsbildung in Aarau)
Dr. Julia M.I. Barth (now a junior group leader at the University of Basel)
Jennifer Schmitz (now teacher at the school Talentia for gifted children in Zug)
Irina Heggli (now PhD student at the University Hospital and the University of Zurich)
Dr. Annie Champagne-Queloz (now Librarian at Bibliothèque Municipale de Delémo (now PhD student at the University Hospital and the University of Zurich)