Teaching material, videos, and exercises

We produce teaching material such as videos, scripts, or interactive online modules to supplement a frontal lecture. Online lessons in Moodle are composed of text, images, videos, and interactive questions that guide the student through the topic via a defined learning path. We also prepare text and images as downloadable PDF scripts.
The implementation of such teaching and learning elements is adapted to your specific setting (small or large classes, novices or advanced learners, one or multiple lecturers), as done for the lectures Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, Bioanalytics and Concepts in Modern Genetics.
CAL prepares different types of scripts that can be tailored towards the needs of the class. Scripts can, for example, accompany a lecture and transmit necessary background knowledge or include additional details not covered in the lecture. Scripts can also be used in place of a textbook as done in Systemsbiology or to prepare students for courses structured in a flipped classroom format such as in Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology or a blended course such as Bioanalytics.
Check out this Download example of a lecture script (PDF, 4 MB) created by CAL.
Videos can be used as self-study material, as video solutions to exercises, as brief teasers to introduce the topics of the next class, or to give an overview of a course to spark student interest. Additionally, students can create short teaching movies as class projects.
We have experience with producing different types of teaching videos and can offer solutions specific to your course. View some examples below.
Watch Prof. Dr. Karsten Weis talk about external page his experiences with teaching videos from CAL.
You can find more Videos on the external page CAL youtube channel.
Activities can be used to assess, teach, or consolidate knowledge. To evaluate the student learning progress in a quick manner, multiple-choice quizzes are the exercise type of choice, whereas open-ended and more complex question types (matching, drawing, short answer) can be applied to consolidate knowledge. We can design such activities for your course and help you with the implementation.
Quizzes can prepare students for class, promote interactivity in class, or consolidate knowledge. They can be placed before or after a course section to assess the learning success of the students. Including explanations why the chosen answers are correct or not increases learning efficiency. If quizzes are applied as a pre-post-test covering a wide selection of course topics, quizzes can inform lecturers about prior knowledge and learning gain.
Group exercises
If the group exercises are set up to accompany the entire lecture as a long-term project, they can serve several additional purposes: Learning through teaching, improving social skills by working as a team, and promoting high-level cognitive skills such as analysis and evaluation.
Examples of exercises