Learning analytics

Graphic representing learning analytics

We analyze student participation, performance, and evaluations to set the basis for course improvements.

Results from formative assignments, exams, and student evaluations give information about the effectiveness of teaching and can be used to adapt the course in the future. From these anonymized data, we can also draw conclusions about student learning behavior. CAL has developed tools to answer questions such as the ones mentioned below and can provide lecturers with a comprehensive course analysis.

Lectures such as Fundamentals of Biology IA that contain numerous assignments and are attended by large student groups offer ample opportunities to analyze student learning progress and behavior.   

A pre-test covering different course topics can reveal students' state of knowledge and allows adaptation of the course. Further, the test provides students with an overview of the course content. We support you in choosing questions, setting up a pre-test in Moodle, and analyzing the results.

Enlarged view: Process of designing a pre-test.
Process of designing a pre-test.

Formative assignments can be used to reveal the topics students struggle with. We analyze results from quizzes, questions posed in the forum (muddiest points), and answers from interactive lessons to report back to the lecturer.

We analyze how students use the teaching material, e.g., how many students use the self-study material, and how often they repeat or quit exercises. We also determine when students use the learning material to ensure that the goals intended by the lecturer are met.

Enlarged view: Diagram of student activity on different weekdays.
Diagram of student activity on different weekdays. The activity is highest during the assigned self-study time.
Enlarged view: Diagram of student participation in different course activities.
Diagram of student participation in different course activities.

Asking the same questions that cover the main topics at the beginning and the end of a course informs the lecturer about the learning gain and gaps between course goals and student knowledge. For students, these tests provide opportunities to assess their understanding in preparation for the exam. We design pre- and post-tests and provide a comprehensive analysis to the lecturer.

Enlarged view: Sankey diagrams visualize student understanding before and after the course.
Sankey diagrams visualize student understanding before and after the course.

In addition to the official LET evaluations, we can implement course-specific online evaluations in Moodle. Each lecturer can include individual questions and evaluations can be performed during the semester to receive real-time feedback.   

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